Broccoli soup

Tea spoon= tsp
Table spoon=tbl sp
Broccoli:300 gms 1 no
Garlic cloves: 4 
Coriander : 2 tbl sp with stem
Water: 1 cup 
Oragano:½ tsp
Black pepper powder: to taste
Salt to taste

  • First of all in a vessel add water,salt and boil it. Once it starts boiling, switch off the gas, add chopped broccoli in it and keep it aside for 10 minutes.
  • In a cooker add 1 tsp olive oil/butter and switch on the flame.
  • Now add garlic cloves and saute it till it gets golden color.
  • Now add broccoli, coriander leaves and water and put 3-4 whistles till it is cooked.
  • Once it is cooled, grind it in mixture grinder and strain it with soup strainer in a vessel.
  • Now add salt, oregano ,black pepper powder to soup mixture, put it on gas and simmer it for 5-7 minutes on medium flame. Soup is ready.


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